VIII International Congress on Cactus Pear and Cochineal

October 28-31, 2013 - Palermo (Italy)



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First Announcement

The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), FAO-ICARDA Cactusnet and the Department of Agricultural and forestry Science of the University of Palermo (IT), jointly with the Department di Economia e Sistemi Arborei/ University of Sassari (IT) and the Italian Society for Horticultural Science (SOI) invite researchers, growers and processing managers to attend the VIII International Cactus pear and Cochineal Symposium. The Symposium will be held in Palermo (Italy) from October 28-31, 2013. Palermo is one of the oldest and most beautiful European cities; founded by the Phoenicians, it later became the exotic capital city of during the Arab age, at the edge of the X° century, and, then, the capital city of the Norman Kingdom and the Kingdom of Sicily, for centuries. Sicily is a unique island in the middle of the Mediterranean seas. Since the  time of the Greek colonies of Syracuse and Selinunte the history of the Island has been so rich that it is a real treasure in term of art, culture and landscape. During the four days of the congress speakers from Europe, America, Asia and Africa will review current research trends, present new discoveries and make plans for future research and special projects in all areas of cactus pear and cochineal industry. The main topics to be discussed are:

  • GeneticResources and Breeding;
  • Fruit Production: Ecophysiology, Orchard and postharvest management;
  • Forage production and utilization;
  • Cochineal breeding and utilization;
  • Agroindustrial and Pharmaceutical uses;
  • Economy & Marketing.

The Symposium will have a scientific program consisting of plenary lectures, oral communications and posters. In addition, there will be a pre/post-symposium tour, specialized field excursions and programs for accompanying persons.

Important dates

    • Abstracts submission: Abstract should be received by the end of May 2013.
    • Abstracts acceptance decision: The Scientific Committee will examine them and take a decision concerning acceptance and type of contribution (oral or poster) by the end of June 2013.  Shortly a submission form will be available online.

Paolo Inglese & Innocenza Chessa

Please, download the full first announcement as PDF file